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Microsoft Report Viewer Common Version

Here is (arguably) the best way to deal with this issue. Without downloading or installing any extras. If you are using WinForms, to me it seems pointless to worry about installing this DLL in the GAC when it's being used for a report viewer that is deployed via click-once. This isn't a big file and you're probably using it as a report viewer control on a form, nothing more. One possible solution is to do the following:.

In Visual Studio, go to the reference in your project for the assembly Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModeland locate the file path to the folder for that assembly. Mine was version 12 and so my file path was C:windowsassemblyGACMSILMicrosoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel12.0.0.089845dcd8080cc91. Copy the file path of the folder the assembly is in and remove the reference from your project (right click the reference and select 'Remove'). Win + R to get a 'Run' prompt. Paste that folder path in there and execute to jump right into the folder of that DLL. Find the DLL, it should be the only file in that folder, and copy it to your Visual Studio project folder. You shouldn't care about 100kb of extra space on your drive consumed, and I don't think this DLL is one you'll need to update.


Back in Visual Studio, right click References, Add Reference, and browse for that DLL in your project folder. After adding the reference, make sure that the Copy Local property is set to true. Clean and rebuild, test the application on your local computer, than Deploy your ClickOnce again.Now when users install your application with ClickOnce, the reference will not refer to the GAC at all and there won't be any need to rely on the prerequisite check/installation process for this DLL because you have included it directly in your published application. It depends on the setup type you are using but basically, it means the required library is missing from your server or computer.

Microsoft report viewer common version download

Microsoft.reportviewer.webforms Version= Download

To enable the application to download from the server (In a client-server architecture), you need to include the file(s) in the project. Go to your application option and locate the 'Publish' tab. Click on 'Application files'. In the ensuing dialog, select to include all the libraries you want included (or that are required to run your application on the client machine and click 'Ok'). Build your application and then publish to the server.I hope this works for you, it worked for me in Visual Studio 2010 Professional. I encountered this errorSystem Update RequiredUnable to install or run the application. The application requires that assemblyMicrosoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.Please contact your system administrator.this error popped out when installing an application made from Visual Studiomeaning I am one of the clientI have Visual Studio 2015 and a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and didn't know about Crystal Reports and other related stuff to it.

The Best answer is:Here is (arguably) the best way to deal with this issue. Without downloading or installing any extras.

Microsoft Reportviewer 11

Thank you for prompt replyMy scenario is I have developed web application using vs 2017 and Report viewer 15.I have installed the Report viewer through NuGet Package Manager Consoleand only got dll files.I have copied following file in BIN1. Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dlland changed in web config fileand I have downloaded this file Microsoft.RdlcDesigner.vsix and installed in my pcon developtin mechine It is working fine.Now need to upload in server. Server does not have VS2017 installed and also I cannot installed Microsoft.RdlcDesigner.vsixPls Advice meThank youMaideen. Thank you all of you. Solved as per your link. Copy all dll into bin and changed in web config.Problem is that I have developed in old version vs 2012. I have changed in aspx page<%@ Register Assembly='Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' Namespace='Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms' TagPrefix='rsweb'% to<%@ Register Assembly='Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms' Namespace='Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms' TagPrefix='rsweb'%is working fine.Thank you.


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